What a joy!

Fifty-five days ago, a 45 year-old man in the prime of his career and life was noticed by his wife to be disorientated. He suffered mild weakness, and was later diagnosed to have a stroke. Needless to say, his entire…

中风 - 人人怕!

《李光耀观天下》:新书 《生比死好。但所有人终究都得面对死亡。这是许多壮年的人宁愿不去想的课题。但我都89岁了,没必要回避这个问题。我关注的是,我会怎么离世?会不会是冠状动脉中风,迅速地离开人世?还是脑部中风,陷入半昏迷状态,卧病在床几个月? 这两种方式当中,我选择迅速的那种方式。 我较早前做了预先医疗指示,表示如果我必须通过吸管进食,并且没有复原或恢复行动能力的可能性,那医生就应该替我去除吸管,让我能迅速的辞世。》

Ten Words

Mdm T was a charming 89-year-old lady who never failed to bring a smile to my clinic. She wore cheongsam with an elegant pearl necklace, and walked in with a spring in her step. Having suffered a transient ischemic attack,…

Massive Stroke

I was recently asked to review a patient with sudden left-sided weakness. He is in his late sixties, an ex-smoker, with background medical history of high blood pressure and slightly raised cholesterol levels. On admission to the hospital, he was…