- Clinical and imaging characteristics of patients with cryptogenic stroke with and without right-to-left-shunt
- South Asian Vascular Epidemiology (SAVE) Study: A sub-study of the Stroke Family and Genetics study in Singapore
- SITS-SEARES-Stroke Registry: Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke – South East Asia Registry on the Evaluation of Stroke
- GLORIA – AF: Global Registry on Long-Term Oral Anti-thrombotic TReatment In PAtients with Atrial Fibrillation (Phase II/III)
- Long-term clinical outcomes, cost-of-care, clinical characteristics, re-admission rates, outpatient care and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure in Singapore (SINGCLOUD for Singapore Cardiac Longitudinal OUtcomes Database Study
- Real world comparison of the safety and efficacy of dabigatran, rivaroxaban and warfarin for prevention of thromboembolism
- Stroke Care in Singapore-Emergency and In-patient Factors Associated with Improved Functional Scores at 90 Days Post-Stroke
- Correlation of cognitive profile and cerebral ischemia among stroke patients attending NNI outpatient clinics
- A Phase III Multicenter, Double-Blind, Crossover Design Study to Evaluate Lipid Altering Efficacy and Safety of Extended-Release Niacin/ Laropiprant/ Simvastatin Combination Tablet in Patients with Primary Hypercholesterolemia
- Improving Stroke care in Singapore through the detailed Study of the Delivery, Quality and Outcomes of Stroke management at NNI (TTSH main campus)
- Neuroprotection with Minocycline therapy for Acute Stroke recovery Trial (NeuMAST): A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- The use of video-conferencing (Telestroke)service in the administration of intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rTPA) to eligible patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to secondary hospitals without 24-hour in-house Neurology service
- Understanding the Educational Needs of Caregivers of Stroke Survivors in Acute-care setting in Singapore
- Collateral Perfusion in first episode stroke patients measured by Regional MR Perfusion Imaging may help define patients at risk for further ischemic event